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Our services

Factory-, Preassembly-, Offshore Management and Supervision in both new build and retrofit

Machin Icon

Mechanical Supervision

Our mechanical supervisors deliver a wide range of skills and competencies which make us a valuable partner.

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Automation Icon

Electrical & Automation Supervision

Our supervisors take charge and also motivate electricians to increase their productivity and meet work goals.

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Management Icon


Our supervisors are able to manage and control a team of engineers, thus optimizing the project. They act as one-point-of-contact for our customer.

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Get in touch

Danish Wind Supervision

Østre Alle 102
9000 Aalborg

Henrik Kristensen, Project Director

Phone: +45 4053 1776


Call +45 4053 1776, fill out the contact form, or send us an email at for a special offer on Danish Wind Supervision.

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